685 off market properties in Roebourne, WA 6718

Roebourne has 685 properties. Over the last 5 years, Houses in Roebourne have seen a 135.35% increase in median value, while Units have seen a 131.43% increase. As at 28 February 2025:

  • The median value for Houses in Roebourne is $291,798 while the median value for Units is $188,427.
  • Houses have a median rent of $400.
There are currently no properties listed for sale, and no properties listed for rent in Roebourne on OnTheHouse. According to CoreLogic's data, 7 properties were sold in the past 12 months in Roebourne. Learn more about Roebourne

685 off market properties in Roebourne, WA 6718

Roebourne has 685 properties. Over the last 5 years, Houses in Roebourne have seen a 135.35% increase in median value, while Units have seen a 131.43% increase. As at 28 February 2025:

  • The median value for Houses in Roebourne is $291,798 while the median value for Units is $188,427.
  • Houses have a median rent of $400.
There are currently no properties listed for sale, and no properties listed for rent in Roebourne on OnTheHouse. According to CoreLogic's data, 7 properties were sold in the past 12 months in Roebourne. Learn more about Roebourne
For sale
For rent
Multiples at address