4 for sale properties in Baskerville, WA 6056

Over the last 12 months, Houses in Baskerville have seen a -1.14% decrease in median value. There are currently 4 properties listed for sale in Baskerville, and 11 properties properties have sold in the past 12 months. Learn more about Baskerville

Whilst all reasonable effort is made to ensure the information in this publication is current, CoreLogic does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this publication and to the full extent not prohibited by law excludes all liability for any loss or damage arising in connection with the data and information contained in this publication.
Western Australia data
Information contained within this product includes or is derived from the location information data licensed from Western Australian Land Information Authority (WALIA) (2025) trading as Landgate. Copyright in the location information data remains with WALIA. WALIA does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the location information data or its suitability for any particular purpose.

4 for sale properties in Baskerville, WA 6056

Over the last 12 months, Houses in Baskerville have seen a -1.14% decrease in median value. There are currently 4 properties listed for sale in Baskerville, and 11 properties properties have sold in the past 12 months. Learn more about Baskerville

Whilst all reasonable effort is made to ensure the information in this publication is current, CoreLogic does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this publication and to the full extent not prohibited by law excludes all liability for any loss or damage arising in connection with the data and information contained in this publication.
Western Australia data
Information contained within this product includes or is derived from the location information data licensed from Western Australian Land Information Authority (WALIA) (2025) trading as Landgate. Copyright in the location information data remains with WALIA. WALIA does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the location information data or its suitability for any particular purpose.
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