48 for sale properties in Wantirna South, VIC 3152

In Wantirna South, the median house sale price is $1,242,000 based on 221 houses sold in the past 12 months. The median unit sale price is $605,000 based on 78 units sold in the past 12 months. Over the last 12 months, Houses in Wantirna South have seen a -0.73% decrease in median value, while Units have seen a 3.53% increase. There are currently 48 properties listed for sale in Wantirna south, and 308 properties properties have sold in the past 12 months. Learn more about Wantirna south

Whilst all reasonable effort is made to ensure the information in this publication is current, CoreLogic does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this publication and to the full extent not prohibited by law excludes all liability for any loss or damage arising in connection with the data and information contained in this publication.
Victoria data
The State of Victoria owns the copyright in the Property Sales Data and reproduction of that data in any way without the consent of the State of Victoria will constitute a breach of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). The State of Victoria does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the Property Sales Data and any person using or relying upon such information does so on the basis that the State of Victoria accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any errors, faults, defects or omissions in the information supplied.

48 for sale properties in Wantirna South, VIC 3152

In Wantirna South, the median house sale price is $1,242,000 based on 221 houses sold in the past 12 months. The median unit sale price is $605,000 based on 78 units sold in the past 12 months. Over the last 12 months, Houses in Wantirna South have seen a -0.73% decrease in median value, while Units have seen a 3.53% increase. There are currently 48 properties listed for sale in Wantirna south, and 308 properties properties have sold in the past 12 months. Learn more about Wantirna south

Whilst all reasonable effort is made to ensure the information in this publication is current, CoreLogic does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this publication and to the full extent not prohibited by law excludes all liability for any loss or damage arising in connection with the data and information contained in this publication.
Victoria data
The State of Victoria owns the copyright in the Property Sales Data and reproduction of that data in any way without the consent of the State of Victoria will constitute a breach of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). The State of Victoria does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the Property Sales Data and any person using or relying upon such information does so on the basis that the State of Victoria accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any errors, faults, defects or omissions in the information supplied.
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