Zoe Cooke


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About Zoe

For Zoe, real estate isn’t simply transactional. It’s an emotive journey steeped in feelings and nostalgia, a deep and moving period of change for sellers and buyers. A cathartic event for everybody involved. Having been in the position of buyer and seller herself, she understands this and appreciates it. For sellers, her negotiation skills and real estate expertise will assure them the best deal possible on their home. But her empathy, her understanding and her genuine care for her clients creates a value-adding life experience that goes beyond real estate. In the words of one happy vendor, “We know a good real estate agent when we see one. And Zoe is the best!” Her holistic approach is built on a foundation of honesty, attention-to-detail, expert communication and a considerable set of sales and marketing talents. Everything she does has a glow of positivity to it, with her passion for real estate always shining through. Zoe’s other passion is the ocean. From sunrise surfs to a cool...

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Listings by Zoe Cooke

Zoe Cooke currently has 1 property listed for sale.

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