Patrick Sherwood


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About Patrick

Driven by passion, determination, and delivering the highest level of service and commitment to clients and customers, Patrick garnered significant business experience at the headquarters of the largest Australian-based, multi-national retailer, prior to becoming a successful computer/technology franchisee in several locations including locally. Meanwhile he and wife Clare, both fully licensed real agents had established a residential property management company in Mackay, Brisbane and Noosa Heads where they became residents. Some years later with a much-respected reputation, Patrick found the move to Tom Offermann Real Estate irresistible. “Whether it's watching the wildlife around our home at sunrise,” effuses Patrick, who grew up in Brisbane and holidayed here every year, “checking out cafes for breakfast or a coffee after an early morning run on the beach or the Noosa National Park, kayaking on the various waterways, or mountain bike riding, Noosa Heads and environs deliver in spades....

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Listings by Patrick Sherwood

Patrick Sherwood currently has 1 property listed for sale.

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