James Scott

Agent at Someday Property

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About James

James Scott has sold 1 property in the last 12 months. On average, these properties were advertised on Allhomes for 34 days. Having discovered his love for property while living in the opposite hemisphere to his native Canberra, James' real-estate resume boasts experience in the UK as well as within the sales, rental, strata, and project markets in Australia. James' speciality is helping his clients generate wealth through property, supporting people as they make life-changing decisions with a friendly, human-centred approach and a winning smile (and probably a Disney tune, his knowledge of which knows no limit). James is committed to creating a personalised client experience and knows it's the little things that count. He prides himself on keeping sellers involved and informed through his work with them and offers a comprehensive sales process through his auctioneering expertise, his talent for which has seen him receive a number of industry awards. Beyond his Disney-based pursuits,...

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Listings by James Scott

James Scott currently has 1 property listed for sale.

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