Vansh Sikka


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About Vansh

Vansh is a real estate agent who works at REALWAY EDGE.

Sales Performance

Vansh Sikka from REALWAY EDGE has sold 21 properties in the last 12 months with an average sale price of $668k^.

Properties Sold
Total Sales Value
Avg Sales Price
^Sales performance is based on the last 12 months of data available on
Looking to sell your property?
Get in touch with Vansh Sikka
^Sales performance is based on the last 12 months of data available on
Reviews and Recommendations
Quick and hassel free sale

Vansh helped me with the sale of my property and the whole process was done in less than a month while I was on vacation. He kept me updated about the
offers coming in and also followed up/negotiated with the prospective buyers for the best price. He took care of all the post sale activities as well. The process
was effortless and quick. Thanks Vansh.
... Read more

15 Grevillea Street, Ripley, QLD, 4306

We are so thankful to Vansh, his service was great and exceptional.

We are so thankful to Vansh, his service was great and exceptional. He helped us in many ways throughout the process of buying our new property by
answering all our questions. He guide us through the process. Easy to reach. Very professional and knowledgeable.
... Read more

35 Goulburn Crescent, South Ripley, QLD, 4306

Vansh was always helpful

Vansh was always helpful through out our journey to buy our house.... Read more

27 Serenity Street, South Ripley, QLD, 4306
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