Michelle is a real estate agent who works at Ray White Werribee.
Michelle Chick from Ray White Werribee has sold 88 properties in the last 12 months with an average sale price of $650k^.
Sold properties shown below are based on sold listings on OnTheHouse.com.au and other sold property records available to CoreLogic that have been matched to this agent on OnTheHouse.com.au.
Michelle Chick currently has 21 properties listed for sale.
Beyond excellent! Michelle was very helpful and knowledgeable but most of all, very understanding as our situation kept changing. I would say Michelle is the
best agent I have ever come across, and possibly ever will. I'd recommend Michelle to anyone wanting to sell in werribee or in any nearby suburbs,
I am writing to express my sincere gratitude. I felt a certain trust even just after few seconds I was chatting with you. (I then decided to engage with your
company). You gave me total reassurance and spoke to me with a genuine tone and concise. You are a special person. Your expertise and guidance were
instrumental and contributed in the success of the sale of my property. Sincere MV
Right from the initial meeting when we discussed the possibility of selling Michelle mapped out strategies in a realistic manner while giving an oversight of the
local market taking into account past and recent fluctuations which would have a influence on the strategy. The communication was strong and no questions
left unanswered even providing advice while on overseas holidays . Overall the team did a great job with a shoutout to Karlee for her support and feedback.
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