Harshita Chhotu

Ray White Albany Creek

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About Harshita

Harshita is a real estate agent who works at Ray White Albany Creek.

Sales Performance

Harshita Chhotu from Ray White Albany Creek has sold 18 properties in the last 12 months with an average sale price of $937k^.

Properties Sold
Total Sales Value
Avg Sales Price
^Sales performance is based on the last 12 months of data available on RateMyAgent.com.au.
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^Sales performance is based on the last 12 months of data available on RateMyAgent.com.au.
Listings by Harshita Chhotu

There are no properties currently listed for sale or for rent by this agent on OnTheHouse

Reviews and Recommendations
Stress free and uncomplicated process of buying

Harshita was eager and happy to help with any questions and got answers in a timely manner. Her manner in approachability and negotiating made the
process of purchasing stress free. The “no hard sell approach”, is something that I appreciated and prefer when making decisions, buying property. I would
be happy to use Harshita again if I was buying more property.
... Read more

37D Harbour Road, Hamilton, QLD, 4007

Professional Cordial Service

My recent purchase was made much easier due to Harshita's professional and cordial service. The settlement period was short and required an agent who
was thoughtful and engaged. Excellent job!
... Read more

19 Boxwood Place, Carseldine, QLD, 4034

She is good in communication

She is good in communication,understanding & hard work She managed well Avery things. ... Read more

19 Boxwood Place, Carseldine, QLD, 4034
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