Brad is a real estate agent who works at Haiven Property.
Brad & Josh Hardingham from Haiven Property has sold 66 properties in the last 12 months with an average sale price of $1.02M^.
Sold properties shown below are based on sold listings on and other sold property records available to CoreLogic that have been matched to this agent on
Brad & Josh Hardingham currently has 10 properties listed for sale.
Josh and Brad were very helpful to us in our experience as the buyer from the first home open we attended until after we settled the property. From
arranging additional inspections, to sharing their trades names and numbers, they were down to earth and did all they could to meet our requests. Thank you
for made our buying experience so easy.
We dealt with Josh Hardingham as part of the Hardingham team and he was incredible. Super helpful and a wealth of knowledge. Very easy to contact and
always very efficient in gaining information he didn’t have on hand. Always presented very professional and was happy to take calls, text and emails and day
of the week. Highly recommend the father-son duo of Brad and Josh.
I had a great experience with Brad and Josh Hardingham from Haiven real estate. There communication was good and managed to get me a good price for
the house i was selling. I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking for a professional agent to sell or purchase thier next home
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