Natalia Moore


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About Natalia

My passion for building strong client relationships began at Sotheby's in London. My communication skills, active listening abilities and keen attention to detail played a pivotal role in fostering trust and reliability with clients, leading to an exciting opportunity at Bank of America. Understanding clients' needs, motivations and preferences enabled me to provide personalised experiences that resonated deeply with each individual. In both the art market and the investment banking sector, I firmly believe that long-term relationships are built on trust and consistent delivery of exceptional service. After 20 years in London, I’ve made Townsville my home on my return to Australia. I have always had a passion for real estate and my skills in accurately pricing properties in a dynamic market, combined with honesty and a willingness to go the extra mile are invaluable in negotiating the best price for my clients’ most significant asset with minimal stress. I am committed to providing clients...

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