Robyn Hawley-Whitton


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About Robyn

Robyn Hawley-Whitton is a real estate agent who works at CAIRNS PROPERTY OFFICE. Robyn has 40 years sales and marketing experience, 20 years business management expertise and is a fully Licensed Real Estate Agent. Robyn is passionate about helping her clients with up to date advice regarding the current market, suggestions on how to maximise your price with styling and renovating ideas, project management of works if you live away and proven selling strategies to obtain the best possible results in a timely manner. Any agent can list a property, but Robyn takes a global approach from researching your property at first contact, understanding and managing all your requirements to congratulating you at settlement with a caring, professional and honest approach. Robyn has been selling Real Estate in the area for 14 years and is a South Side local. With a proven track record for quick results whilst obtaining premium prices for her clients Robyn is committed to working very hard and doing...

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