40 off market properties in Braidwood Rd, Tirrannaville, NSW 2580

Tirrannaville has 51 properties. Over the last 5 years, Houses in Tirrannaville have seen a 70.37% increase in median value, while Units have seen a 74.94% increase. As at 28 February 2025:

  • The median value for Houses in Tirrannaville is $1,289,525 while the median value for Units is $2,949,142.
There are currently 2 properties listed for sale, and no properties listed for rent in Tirrannaville on OnTheHouse. According to CoreLogic's data, 3 properties were sold in the past 12 months in Tirrannaville. Learn more about Tirrannaville
Whilst all reasonable effort is made to ensure the information in this publication is current, CoreLogic does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this publication and to the full extent not prohibited by law excludes all liability for any loss or damage arising in connection with the data and information contained in this publication.
New South Wales data
Contains property sales information provided under licence from the Valuer General New South Wales. RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic Asia Pacific is authorised as a Property Sales Information provider by the Valuer General New South Wales.

40 off market properties in Braidwood Rd, Tirrannaville, NSW 2580

Tirrannaville has 51 properties. Over the last 5 years, Houses in Tirrannaville have seen a 70.37% increase in median value, while Units have seen a 74.94% increase. As at 28 February 2025:

  • The median value for Houses in Tirrannaville is $1,289,525 while the median value for Units is $2,949,142.
There are currently 2 properties listed for sale, and no properties listed for rent in Tirrannaville on OnTheHouse. According to CoreLogic's data, 3 properties were sold in the past 12 months in Tirrannaville. Learn more about Tirrannaville
Whilst all reasonable effort is made to ensure the information in this publication is current, CoreLogic does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the data and information contained in this publication and to the full extent not prohibited by law excludes all liability for any loss or damage arising in connection with the data and information contained in this publication.
New South Wales data
Contains property sales information provided under licence from the Valuer General New South Wales. RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic Asia Pacific is authorised as a Property Sales Information provider by the Valuer General New South Wales.
For sale
For rent
Multiples at address