Commanding Coastal Country. 138.5 hectares. 342 acres. Mount Richmond.
Approximately 35-40kms to Portland, and 35-40kms to Nelson.
We are excited to present this spectacular property. About 280–290 acres are scenic undulating farming land with incredible varying topography rising to a high of 138m above sea level, abutting the Discovery Bay Coastal Reserve. Stunning views of the coastline and ocean - Cape Bridgewater to the east, and Port MacDonnell to the west, and surrounding rural hinterlands.
Subdivided into 6 main paddocks. New fencing throughout. Machinery/wool shed and stockyards. Bore with natural spring water to troughs. The additional 40-50 acres is natural bush, a diverse range of native vegetation, including grasses, shrubs, trees and flowering plants. The property contains parts of McPhails Creek and abuts Johnstone Creek, with beautiful Swan Lake 50 metres away and accessible by vehicle track. Wow!
The whole property is a nature lover's paradise which abuts the rugged, beautiful Discovery Bay Coastal Reserve - a backdrop for hiking, birdwatching, dune buggying and beachcombing.
These coastal reserves and national parks are accessed and linked via the nearby 250km Great South West Walk.
The farm comprises 5 crown allotments and STCA for anyone who may wish to pursue these tourism and lifestyle options ie. group accommodation, leisure & recreation, host farm, eco-tourism, etc, the options could be endless.
Indeed a lovely run of country, with stunning views and features.
For Statement Of Information & Due Diligence please head to our website at www.wilsonswarrnambool.com.au. All measurements & boundary indications are correct to the best of our knowledge, as provided by property owners and external websites. Please complete due diligence to confirm.
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